Our Story

In many cultures, there is an ancient belief that two people who are destined to be together are connected by an invisible red thread, known as the "red string of fate." This thread is said to stretch and tangle through time and space, bringing soulmates together despite life's twists and turns. Whether they are near or far, the red string binds them, ensuring they find their way to one another when the time is right.
Jhon and I originally met in Saudi Arabia back when we were in high school. We weren’t close at the time, just mere acquaintances. We were a year apart from each other, sharing mutual friends, as the Filipino community is quite small in KSA. Although we were always drawn to each other.
High school and college passed between us with just simple hi’s and hello’s. Little did we know our dogs, Yoshi and Yuki, would play a huge part in finally catching up with each other. We started off as strangers, and now we’re here.

As we celebrate this special day, we are reminded of the magical journey that led us to one another—our own red string that brought us together, forever intertwined in love and destiny.